It's 8:58 pm on a Thursday. In May. I haven't worked out today. And I don't feel good about it. I have two big projects happening at work. I got up early this morning, 4:15 am, but worked on one of the projects for a couple of hours. Then, during the day, the weather was off again on again rain which raised some questions whether my daughter would have lacrosse practice this afternoon. Practice did occur as planned but I wasn't able to get away for a workout. Then, I cooked dinner for my wife who got home late from work.
So, here I am... posting in my blog about my angst at not getting a workout in. I ate some pasta for dinner but am too full to get in a session. I probably could make it in to the gym and lift some weights as it is open until 11 pm, but I'm meeting my cousin tomorrow after work for a weightlifting session... so I'm going to hold off until then.
As a triathlete, it is hard to express how it feels to miss a workout. Or, to want to be doing workout... but not being able to do so because I'm doing something else in my life... like work or family time. I can certainly get pissy when I haven't gotten the session in. In fact, if it is later in the day, and I am on my way to the workout, those are times when I can feel road rage. Doesn't happen on my way to work or to a family outing. But, trying to get that bike ride started at 5:30 pm and you're driving slow in my lane at 5:15 pm... BEEP BEEP... MOVE IT BUDDY!
So, my mind the past 20 minutes has been calculating how I'm going to get time in tomorrow for workouts as these projects will both spill into Monday. Plus, there is more rain in the forecast. I don't mind working out in rain, as long as it is warm, but it can complicate matters somewhat. Training in the rain really does a number on your running or bike shoes.
Typically, I've been swimming on Friday's and I'm going to try and do that tomorrow night. I have this weightlifting session at 5 pm. And, I'll run six miles in the morning. Rain or no rain.
Saturday... supposed to do open water swim with my sister but all this rain will cause me to skip that. I'll do a bike/run brick from her house as we are using her house as Triathlon Central on Saturday. Then, Sunday... another bike/swim brick.
There... now I feel better. A little better. Would rather have knocked out a workout.
As I've ramped up the mileage here as of late, the weightlifting has taken lower priority. I need to get these last few weeks of heavy weightlifting done and then dial it back for good for the two sessions a week.
Whooo Wee!
16 years ago
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